Watch Face/Off movie online without survey. Watch full movie Face/Off with streaming HD quality without survey. Simple ways to watch Face/Off movie online streaming HD for free. Movie Genre : Action, Crime, Science Fiction, Thriller, Release Date of film : 1997-06-26.
Actor film : Only one will survive.
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- John Travolta Character (Sean Archer)
- Nicolas Cage Character (Castor Troy)
- Joan Allen Character (Eve Archer)
- Dominique Swain Character (Jamie Archer)
- Alessandro Nivola Character (Pollux Troy)
- Gina Gershon Character (Sasha Hassler)
- Nick Cassavetes Character (Dietrich Hassler)
- Harve Presnell Character (Victor Lazarro)
- Colm Feore Character (Dr. Malcolm Walsh)
- John Carroll Lynch Character (Walt)
- Margaret Cho Character (Wanda)
- James Denton Character (Buzz)
- Matt Ross Character (Loomis)
- Thomas Jane Character (Burke Hicks)
- David McCurley Character (Adam Hassler)
- Myles Jeffrey Character (Michael Archer)
- Chris Bauer Character (Ivan Dubov)
- C. C. H. Pounder Character (Hollis Miller)
- Danny Masterson Character (Karl)
- Linda Hoffman Character (Livia)
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Watch Face/Off Full Movie Online with Streaming HD. Watching free movies online from our thousands online movies collection including action movies, drama movies, documentaries, horror movies. You can watch free movies online without downloading. Click link bellow...