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Actor film : The System Must Pay.
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- Jamie Foxx Character (Nick Rice)
- Gerard Butler Character (Clyde Alexander Shelton)
- Colm Meaney Character (Detective Dunnigan)
- Bruce McGill Character (Jonas Cantrell)
- Leslie Bibb Character (Sarah Lowell)
- Michael Irby Character (Detective Garza)
- Gregory Itzin Character (Warden Iger)
- Regina Hall Character (Kelly Rice)
- Emerald-Angel Young Character (Denise Rice)
- Christian Stolte Character (Clarence Darby)
- Annie Corley Character (Judge Laura Burch)
- Richard Portnow Character (Bill Reynolds)
- Viola Davis Character (Mayor April Henry)
- Michael Kelly Character (Bray)
- Josh Stewart Character (Rupert Ames)
- Roger Bart Character (Brian Bringham)
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Watch Law Abiding Citizen Full Movie Online with Streaming HD. Watching free movies online from our thousands online movies collection including action movies, drama movies, documentaries, horror movies. You can watch free movies online without downloading. Click link bellow...